Traffic Control Construction Services


Traffic Control For Construction Projects

Construction, in the philosophical sense, is often all about being bigger and better or first; getting there first or using improved materials, technologies and equipment. Construction is a good indicator of a strong economy and job performance. But when you get down to it, there are also some hard facts that highlight the negative side of the construction industry.


Recent statistics show that in the US, one work zone fatality occurs for every 4 billion vehicle-miles of travel and for every $112 million worth of roadway construction expenditures.


According to the US Department of Transportation, active work areas account for an estimated 10 percent of overall congestion and 24 percent of unexpected freeway delays.

At Crews Control, we are painfully aware of the safety aspect of our jobs. From roadways to railways, and from bridges to tunnels, the infrastructure of our nation is constantly changing and improving…having a positive effect on the economy and the communities we all know and enjoy. But when it comes to safety and protecting an active construction work zone, no one does it better than the flaggers at Crews Control.

Why? First of all, because we are accessible. Scheduling is a snap. Our fully automated and mobile accessible tool called CROSS, (Crews Resource Online Scheduling System) ensures that our flagging teams have access to all jobsite information, cancellations and scheduling changes. Our flaggers are fully trained and certified according to state regulations. Many of our flaggers have years of experience and they understand how to quickly define the four areas of a traffic control zone when they arrive on site

Advance Warning Zone
Transition Area
Activity or Construction Zone
Termination / Normal Traffic
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We do our best to make our process fast and seamless. We have great employees. We know our clients are counting on us to deliver the best flagging professionals to the job each and every time.”
 Tim Taylor
Crews Control, LLC

Your Go-To Partner for Traffic Control

Managing active work areas for construction activities has become the “bread and butter” of our business at Crews Control. We pride ourselves on the quality service we provide to many well-known construction companies in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. And because we are women owned and operated, we can often open the door to specialized funding from federal, state and local governments. Give us a call today and find out how to put our flaggers to work for you on your new project.